Towards interdisciplinary innovation in the design of urban care spaces

An interdisciplinary group of academics and practitioners came together on invitation of SDHI and the Geddes Institute of Urban Research at the University of Dundee to discuss the future of care space design in urban environments. The group consisted of architects, town planners, geographers, psychologist, artists, occupational therapists, computing specialists and nurses. As demographics are changing towards an increasingly aging population who predominantly live in single households there has also been a reduction in care home places and a move towards providing personal and health care in people’s home environments. At the symposium implications of these developments on the design of homes, services and age-friendly cities was examined. The role of urban greenspaces and technology was highlighted as much as the need to engage communities in planning efforts. Communication is essential and planers need to be cognisant of people traditionally left out of planning efforts (e.g. People with communication disabilities or learning disabilities). Also it is important to consider how different individuals and population groups experince and perceive their environment. The importance of links between home, hospital and community environments was highlighted and the need to assist ‘vulnerable’ citizens with the navigation of complex communities and services. We will provide further summaries and updates of this event soon.

Forthcoming Webinar: Measuring outcomes in community-based stroke rehabilitation: enhancing inclusion and participation

The webinar entitled ‘Measuring outcomes in community-based stroke rehabilitation: enhancing inclusion and participation’, led by Dr Helen Moore, Social Dimensions of Health Institute, Universities of Dundee and St Andrews, will be held on Wednesday 17th July at 3pm (BST).  This webinar is free and if you would like to join then please contact Fred Comerford (fac1 or Rosanne Bell (r.c.bell

Helen Moore webinar flyer 17 July 2013