SDHI Co-Director Moving On

Our Co-Director, Professor Thilo Kroll is leaving next week to take up the post of Professor of Health Systems Management at University College Dublin.  We would all like to express our deep gratitude to Professor Kroll for his wonderful leadership, enthusiasm and support over the last 6 years in SDHI and the last 11 years within the School of Nursing & Health Sciences, University of Dundee.  We would also like to wish Thilo all the very best for the future

Prevalence of glucosamine and omega-3 fatty acid use and characteristics of users among mid-age women

Congratulations to Thilo Kroll, CoDirector of SDHI and Professor of Disability and Public Health Research at the University of Dundee who along with colleagues David Sibbritt, Chi-Wai Lui and Jon Adams have recently had their paper Prevalence of glucosamine and omega-3 fatty acid use and characteristics of users among mid-age women: analysis of a nationally representative sample of 10,638 women’ published in The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging

Prevalence of glucosamine.jpg

The full article can be found here

Transformative Innovation in Health and Social Care

Professors Thilo Kroll and Huw Davies, Co-Directors of SDHI along with colleagues

Dr Margaret Hannah, Director of Public Health, NHS Fife
Professor Vikki Entwistle, Health Services Research Unit, University of Aberdeen
Professor Brendan McCormack, School of Nursing, Queen Margaret University
Professor Belinda Dewar, University of the West of Scotland
Graham Leicester, Director, International Futures Forum
Nicola Gray, Programme Manager, Scottish Improvement Science Collaborating Centre

have been awarded funding from the Scottish Universities Insight Institute (SUII) for a project entitled Understanding, forming and fostering a culture of transformative innovation in health and social care

This proposal focuses on the kinds of transformative innovation that are needed within services and communities to address pressing concerns about the appropriateness and sustainability of health and social care provision across whole populations. It brings together leading Scottish and international thinkers and practitioners from three key areas of research and practice development, and provides a structured but flexible programme within which they can generate synergistic insights into the conditions that can enable the kinds of cultures of transformative innovation that could foster the provision of health and social support consistent with the best aspirations of humanity.

The three areas of practice and development that underpin the programme are: (1) Fifth wave thinking (ideas oriented to deal with the contemporary challenges of public health for which previous major developments in public health are proving insufficient); (2) Person-centred care (a cluster of ideas about both what is humane and morally appropriate in health and social care provision and how people can contribute to their own health and wellbeing); and (3) Transformation (studies of transformative rather than less radical or far-reaching forms of innovation).

Building out from existing collaborations within the three areas, programme partners and participants have been drawn from universities and from state and third sector policy leaders and health and social care providers. Supported by a strong commitment particularly from the International Futures Forum, a series of webinars and workshops will enable a sharing of current understandings and perspectives and facilitate fresh, multidisciplinary and cross-sectoral conversations oriented both to understand and promote positive transformation both during and beyond the span of the programme.

The objectives of the proposed work are:

  1. Create the space for creative and productive cross-boundary and inter-disciplinary ‘facilitated dialogue’ to scope out the relevant bodies of work and strands of thinking that can underpin transformative innovation in health and social care and public health;
  2. Build a cumulative vision of the relevant organisational and system features of transformation-enabled public services around population health and care;
  3. Map a series of actions for key influencers within the system that may help to bring about the conditions for transformation capacities and capabilities;
  4. Define the means by which we can develop an assessment of the progress towards building such transformative capacities and capabilities;
  5. Create an action-focused research agenda to provide a better evidence base for the underpinnings of transformation through innovation in health and social care and public health.
  6. Prompt the emergence of new collaborations that can take forward investigations and actions in support of both research and transformative change.

Webinar – Advancing Global Disability Data and Disability Inclusive Development

Thilo Kroll, Professor of Disability and Public Health Research and Co-DirecThilo Krolltor of the Social Dimensions of Health Institute (SDHI) at the Universities of Dundee and St Andrews will present a webinar Advancing Global Disability Data and Disability Inclusive Development – Recommendations from a United Nations Reporton Tuesday 16th December 2014 at 3pm. This is a FREE webinar and all are welcome to join.  To register or for further information please contact Rosanne (r.c.bell

New Publication: How does domestic abuse impact disabled women’s access and utilisation of maternity care?

SDHI researchers Jenna Breckenridge and Thilo Kroll, in collaboration with researchers from the Universities of Manchester, Edinburgh and Queen’s University Belfast, have recently published a review of the literature relating to disability, domestic abuse and access to maternity careAlthough disabled women are significantly more likely to experience domestic abuse during pregnancy than non-disabled women, very little is known about how maternity care access and utilisation is affected by the co-existence of disability and domestic abuse. This new publication brings together international literature to explore the factors that facilitate or compromise access to care, the consequences of inadequate care, and the effectiveness of existing strategies for improvement. Read the full article here

Making Healthcare Decisions: Is Your Voice Missing?

As part of Cafe Science Dundee, SDHI co-director Professor Thilo Kroll, will be giving a talk entitled ‘Making Healthcare Decisions: Is your Voice Missing? on Monday 26th May at 7pm in Avery & Co, 34 South Tay Street, Dundee.

Everyone has the right to receive the same health care quality and everyone should have the right to be involved in decisions about health care. These rights should also allow anyone to participate in the research that leads to improvements in health. But what if your voice is not heard, just because you are disabled? Come and find out about the barriers that people with disabilities face in making their voice heard and their views known in health care.

All welcome to attend this free event.

Making Healthcare Decisions Poster

Congratulations Professor Thilo Kroll!

Thilo KrollSDHI is delighted to announce Thilo has been appointed Professor.  Thilo has been co-director of SDHI since January 2011.  His research focuses on the health, well-being and social participation of people with disabilities. He has received government and charity funding in the United States and the UK (US: Department of Education, National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research; Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; UK: Chief Scientist Office, ESRC, EPSRC, SFC, KTP).  Thilo is also co-founder of FRED – Family-Focused Research Education & Development

Thilo’s research focuses on three strands: Access and utilisation of health care services for people with disabilities; inclusive research design, methodology and routine data collection, and health promotion for people with disabilities. In each of these area, he has developed empirical work and published widely.

Since moving to Dundee, he has maintained and developed new national and international collaborations with colleagues from various social science and health-related disciplines to facilitate knowledge sharing and research at the intersection of disability and health.